Thursday, August 18, 2011

Holy Whoa Joey Lawrence

Ok, super cute show from ABC Family is Melissa and Joey.  Brings back the 90s goodness of Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence that makes me feel all warm and gooey inside.  Ok, Joey has some hair issues, which is confusing and awkward.  But recently he's growing it out and it's looking good and reminding me of the super hotness of the Joey from Blossom.  Anyway, it's a great show.  Witty, sarcastic, and full of pretty people...what's not to like.
Just had to throw that in.
Now on to the main purpose of todays blog.  I need someone to dress me.  I feel that I have good taste in actually purchasing clothing............however that all falls apart once it's time to actually dress myself.  Not quite sure where the malfunction is in between picking and dressing, but it's highly frustrating.  I've become so accustomed to dressing in jeans and tshirts for so long that I've lost all ability to dress myself in casual  dress/work clothes.  I've now settled for buying dresses because it eliminates most of the guess work, with the exception of shoes which causes a mini panic attack every time it's time to choose.  What I need is someone to dress me.  Anyone up for the job?  I will happily pay you in juicy fruit and dr. pepper.  Let me know if you're up for the challenge  :)
Here's a little good news for the masses (well the 5 friends that read my blog), I've had a few job interviews recently!!  While exciting, it's also a little daunting.  I've been working at the same place for damn near 10 years, so change is a little scary.  Will I be able to do the job, will I catch on quickly, will I fit's like high school again!!  My overwhelming need and desire for a normal daytime job......and only one job at so great that it's overriding my nervousness.  Especially because one of the positions pays like double what I currently make.  Can you say paying off bills and actually saving up money........WHAT!?!?!  Cross your eyes, your fingers, your toes, your heart.  Pray.  Send happy thoughts.  Whatever it is that you do, please do it.  I'll take any help I can get and I would greatly appreciate it!

Now for a song that takes me to my happy place and calms my nerves.  My all time favorite band, from my all time favorite album....Weezer- In the Garage


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I'm Nichole, your average 30-something trying to make my way through this world and create a life for myself. I blog for fun and for stress relief, so you'll see everything from rants to reviews.
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