Monday, October 25, 2010


A very good, very smart friend recommended that I create a list of goals.  That way I have a physical representation of all the crap inside my brain, so maybe it won't constantly be on my mind.

Here is my first rough draft, in no particular order.

2. Find a new job with normal hours and decent pay
3. Get back into volunteering at the zoo so I can get my dream job
4. Buy a bicycle
5. Actually ride the bicycle once I buy it
6. Work on Cali's confidence issue so she is ready to move when I get my new place
7. Be a better "mom" to my birds who deserve more attention than I currently give
9. Decide on a design for my dream tattoo
10. Start saving up for dream tattoo
11. Continue allocating time to spend with my friends, it makes me happy
12. Work on communication skills
13. Wash my car (inside and out)
14. Stop spending money I don't have, especially with credit cards
15. Work on common courtesy and manners

I think that's a pretty good list to start with for now.  What would be on your list?

Ok, now onto the actual blog portion of my blog.
In the event that I actually get an interview and/or new job in the corporate world I decided to buy some real clothes!  Most of what I own is t-shirts and jeans, so I thought a few nice dresses would do the trick for now.  After doing a little bit of searcing online, I found several plus-size fashion bloggers who I really enjoy and who opened my eyes to several new stores.  Feel free to check out their blogs and add them on facebook!

Stiletto Siren- one of the features on her blog is the "Drool-worthy Dress of the Day" which I absolutely love!  She has tons of pics of all the clothes she reviews and I really like her style.  And here's her facebook if you're interested.

Pretty in Plus- has a unique, funky flair that inspires great style ideas and also has some awesome DIY stuff.  And her facebook

Cupcakes Clothes- a blogger from across the pond.  A great resource for UK sites with plus-size clothing.  Also, she's adorable and can really put together an outfit!  Her facebook.

Fatshion Chic- aka Jessica Kane, she is one the owners/publishers of Skorch Magazine.  She has a beautiful, classic style and I kept her in mind when shopping for work clothes.  She really is an amazing fashion role model for plus-size girls/women.  Her facebook.

So these ladies are a few of my favs, they have wonderful tastes in fashion and are a great resource for new websites and stores that carry great plus-size clothing.  I will include some of the awesome stores I've discovered through them in my future blogs.  Check them out, you won't be disappointed I promise.


darrona said...

I never got into the writing out goals habit until I became an Avon rep. I've actually printed out pictures that represent my goals/dreams and created a collage too. Writing or collaging them out really does help.

I've been interested in jazzing up my plus-size wardrobe. I took a look at your recommendations and I really like what I see. FYI I've now added "new wardrobe" and "save money for new wardrobe" to my goal list. =]

lunarious said...

i will be adding some awesome clothing sites soon. ones that i've actually ordered from myself. :)

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I'm Nichole, your average 30-something trying to make my way through this world and create a life for myself. I blog for fun and for stress relief, so you'll see everything from rants to reviews.
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