Thursday, October 28, 2010

Song of the week.........and a slight rant

So I'm gonna start with the ranting portion first.  Ok, so I'm a 27 yr old single white female (anyone else have a mental flash of a crazy bridget fonda?).  I'm not a girly girl.  I stick with the basic jeans and tshirt, and if your lucky some makeup (i have a crazy schedule and makeup is too time consuming for me, that's a story for another time).  I'm chubby.  I currently have short hair, something like this but not as great....
anyway, so i said all that to say this.  I'M NOT GAY!  not that there is anything wrong with it.  it's just i personally am not.  however, a lot of ppl think i am and i'm not sure y?  is it because i'm chubby?  the short hair?  the tshirt and jeans? at what point did i shift from being a normal girl, to hey she's a lesbian???  i don't understand.  as a society are we that stereotypical now that every woman that happens to meet the descriptions i just listed automatically means they're gay?  it doesn't bother me that ppl think i might be gay, what bothers me is if other women think i'm gay does that mean men think i'm gay too?  is that y i don't get hit on anymore?  because if that's the case i need to do something about it.  at some point i would like a husband and family, and i'm getting up there in age so what do i need to do to get this train on the road (is that even the correct metaphor, lol).  do i really have to give up being comfortable and being myself and put on a show?  do i need to wear a sign that says, "straight and available"   i tried to follow a male coworkers advice and wear low cut shirts, but i don't think they were the right kind because it wasn't that successful.  and do i really want to attract a man based on the fact that my boobies were all up in his face?  ugh, i don't know.  i just feel like i'm in a very strange place with all of this. 

anyway, enough of that.  on to my song of the week.  it's by a duo called frou frou.  the singer is imogen heap.  i love her voice.  it's so relaxing, and i just love this song.  it's called Let Go

and as an added bonus, here is a beautiful song by imogen heap as a solo artist.  it's addicting.


darrona said...

RE: The Rant
Yeah, I totally don't get the whole "Nichole is a lesbian" thing. I don't see it, feel it or whatever so I dunno. I do know that I want to ask that you don't change yourself in any way. Please? You are already awesome and wonderful and I know you know that. I'm not really sure what else to say about that other than that and I love you, Nichole! =]

RE: Immi Heap
I looove me some Imogen Heap. Did you know she was in HOUTX some time earlier this year? Yeah I found out day of show. No bueno. Next time she's in HOUTX we should go. Deal?

Anonymous said...

I totally feel ya on your rant. When did being single in your late 20s = lesbian? I think its stupid and its one of the things of society and people these days that I HATE and makes me ANGRY!(as u know, my cousins thought that of me, it hurts!) But I don't think you should take people's advice that basically are saying "sex sells". You aren't that way, and you don't want the guy who wants you that way. They are scum and it proves that they don't really care about the person you are on the inside... which is trouble for the future. A single lady(46yrs old, never married) at church who has run into this problem said it like this "When God brings you to that man, he will love you for who YOU are. YOU will be his standard of beauty!" So don't settle! Be and dress who you are, you are worth it! :)
Love ya

lunarious said...

thank you ladies :) i've never had an extreme issue with self esteem or confidence, i mean the occassional slips and dips here and there like every girl, but nothing dramatic. i'm happy with myself, with what i see in the mirror, with the person i am overall. so i don't plan on changing anytime soon unless i consider it an improvement on the awesomeness that is me, lol. it's just frustrating to be put in a little box by people who don't even know me like that, you know. it's just a shame that our society has become so shallow as to make instant judgement based on appearance. good thing i have amazing friends to help keep my perspective straight (no pun intended, lol)

and yes, deb, we should DEFINITELY hit up some imogen heap next time she's in town. i think that would be awesome! :)

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I'm Nichole, your average 30-something trying to make my way through this world and create a life for myself. I blog for fun and for stress relief, so you'll see everything from rants to reviews.
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