Monday, October 18, 2010


So my friend Megan and I went to a local bazaar where there were about 20 booths selling their homemade/handmade goods.  Ok, so here's the thing about Texas and bazaars/fairs....there is ALWAYS a booth selling homemade salsa, jams, jellies, soup mixes, etc.  It's one of my favorite things about going to these events!  And of course there was a booth selling salsa, jalapeno jellies, and something called hotdog in a jar.  I'm not a fan of jalapeno jelly and hotdog in a jar does not sound appealing, so I went with a sample of salsa.  Here's another thing about Texas......we are serious about our salsa.  It's a texmex thing I guess.  The salsa I got is from WHH Ranch Company and it is really pretty good.  I got the mild kind and while to me it has absolutely no spicey heat at all, it still has a delicious flavor and huge chunks of tomato which is kind of a nice change.  I would highly recommend it and their prices aren't too bad.  They even have a section on their site for recipes which is kind of neat.  I think supporting local companies, craftsmen, etc. is a great way to keep mom and pop type businesses around for future generations to enjoy.  WHH claims to be the oldest family owned and operated cannery in Texas, since 1939, and I think that's awesome!  So I don't mind spending a few more dollars on a quality product to support a family business.  If your a fan of pace picante style salsas but don't want the sour/vinegar taste that comes with pace, then I highly recommend WHH RANCH salsa.


darrona said...

I agree with supporting mom and pop businesses. I don't know...something about the "person" aspect of it gets me I guess. I'm not a salsa fan in general, but will keep this in mind if my taste buds ever go the way of salsa. =]

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I'm Nichole, your average 30-something trying to make my way through this world and create a life for myself. I blog for fun and for stress relief, so you'll see everything from rants to reviews.
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