Monday, October 11, 2010

Well, Hello there

So I was in the shower today, with random thoughts popping in and out of my head, and I decided, "You know what, it'd be kind of cool to write a blog about this stuff for my friends."   So here we are. 
I want to share stuff with you guys.  Random stuff.  Favorite bands.  Awesome websites for plus size clothes.  Fabulous skin care products.  EVERYTHING!  If anything it'll give me something to do at night when I get a break at work, and if anyone else happens to read it that's just a bonus.
My name is Nichole.  I'm a 27 yr. old work-aholic, though not by choice.  I have strong opinions, but a kind heart and good intentions.  I live in the great state of Texas and LOVE IT!  I come from a family of yankees, but my parents had the good sense to move to the south before I was born and I can proudly say I am the only Texan in my family!  And even though I'm white as snow, I'm proud of the Tex-mex culture that I was raised around.  So don't be suprised if I throw some spanglish in my blogs sometimes. 
I have a bachelor's degree in biological sciences and hope to one day be a zookeeper.....................just gotta get the required experience now.  I work 2 jobs, neither of which are my dream job obviously, but they help pay the bills.  Not married, no kids, and in no rush.  I'm just your average 20-something trying to make my way through this world and create a life for myself.
I hope to keep up with this and post at least once a week.  So I hope y'all can relate to some of the stuff I write and enjoy my ramblings.  I'll have something a little more interesting up soon!

Peace out!


Anonymous said...

i can relate to everything you just said. except for the workaholic, no kids, spanglish, unmarried, zookeeper thing. im deffinately a twenty something though.


darrona said...

w00t! I'm pretty excited about this bloggy blog blog of yours. It will be nice and refreshing to read some honest and pure randomness instead of everything else. Looking forward to future posts! =]

About Me

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I'm Nichole, your average 30-something trying to make my way through this world and create a life for myself. I blog for fun and for stress relief, so you'll see everything from rants to reviews.
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