Monday, November 8, 2010

I just threw up in my mouth a little

Although I tend to use the word a lot, there are actually very few things that I truly hate in the world.  But there are 3 bands that have managed to cross that threshold into my special area of hate.

Nichole's List of Puke Inducing Bands:

1. Buckcherry- fronted by one of the ugliest guys I've ever seen who is too skinny and looks like a drug addict.  This band is trashy and so is their music.  I HATE when that one song comes on in a club because every stupid drunk girl starts singing it like it's the most awesome song in the world, they don't realize how trashy it makes them look in turn.  If you don't know what song I'm referring too, then you are truly blessed as to never have had your ears accosted by the rubbish.  But if you are a glutton for punishment and insist on knowing the song, then go to youtube and type in'll be the very first song on the list that pops up............yeah the one with the expletive in the title.

2. Hinder- a cheap, redneck version of buckcherry who have offended my eardrums with more than one song sadly enough.  The lead singer looks like a fat version of the guy from buckcherry (and he's not even fat, but the guy from buckcherry is so crazy skinny that everyone looks fat in comparison).  And every time I hear his hoarse voice all I can think the whole time is, "Good lord, cough already and get that frog out of your throat!!"

3. Saving Abel- an even cheaper, but still quite redneck, Wal-Mart version of the first 2 bands.  You know that game telephone?  The one where you whisper something to the person next to you and then they pass it down the line and the person at the end repeats what was passed on?  What comes out is NEVER what it originally started as.  That’s exactly what saving abel is.  A sad version of the telephone game that started with buckcherry and ended with the sad mutation that is saving abel.

All three of these bands are disgusting, ridiculous, and trashy.  They sing about sex and cheating on their girlfriends like it's a game.  And the fact that those songs in turn become popular just makes my stomach churn.  Saving Abel’s latest contribution to society is a song entitled, "sex is good"  aaww, did you figure that all by yourself saving abel??  Or did someone have to spell it out to you the way you just spelled it out to every lame-o that listens to your music??  Not to mention the fact that it's just one more thing telling young people, hey go have sex it's fun and great.  Kids don't need another song encouraging them to do something that is not meant for them.  I’m not saying songs or books or videogames are the reason behind stuff like that, but it sure doesn't help does it??  If you tell a 13 yr. old sex is good enough times, eventually they're gonna wanna find out for themselves.  So let's not encourage the ever rising statistic of teenage pregnancy shall we.

I know there are always bands spouting off about sex, but at least back in the day they used metaphors and other imaginative ways of saying it.  You’re musicians aren't you?  Be creative for craps sake, that's what you get paid for.  


Anonymous said...

don't forget about rowe. horrible band.

darrona said...

And every time I hear his hoarse voice all I can think the whole time is, "Good lord, cough already and get that frog out of your throat!!"

Too many guys in bands sing like this and it's time to bring real singing back along with creative lyrical content. That's my 2 cents.

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I'm Nichole, your average 30-something trying to make my way through this world and create a life for myself. I blog for fun and for stress relief, so you'll see everything from rants to reviews.
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