Monday, December 10, 2012

Walmart Shuffle

Don't worry, it's not a new dance craze.  Have you ever been out and about and you see someone that you REALLY don't wanna talk to.  For me it's usually at Walmart, cause you know everyone and their mom goes to Walmart in the South (it's true).  Anyway, you see this person and you proceed to bob and weave your way behind anything that will provide sufficient coverage in an attempt to escape that person.  You finally get to a safe place, you're like 5 rows away from the danger zone, and you're attempting to resume your shopping while still remaining vigilant.  5, 10, 15 minutes go start to relax a little and then what happens............BAM, you turn the corner and that person is literally right in front of you.  Typically one of two things happens in these situations:  1. That person would like to avoid you as well so you both look at everything but each other and walk by like this never happened.  OR  2. That person does the worst thing imaginable and speaks to you.  UGH!  Now you're stuck with a dilemma.  You have about 10 seconds to figure out in your head what you're gonna do before things get even more awkward.  Do you :  A. Suck it up and talk to this person even though you would literally rather gouge your eyes out with a rusty spoon.  B. Straight up ignore them and continue to walk away.  or  C. Talk and walk.  Be polite, but keep creeping away.
I live in a large suburb of a huge city and this happens to me more times than I'm comfortable with.  I could not imagine having to live in a small town and constantly u;run into people.  Anyway, I have no rhyme or reason for this rant, just something I was thinking about, lol.

So I was having lunch with one of my best friends and we were talking about how we like to make fun of other people. We were both hesitant to admit that not only do we make fun of random people around us, but yeah we kind of enjoy it. I know I'm supposed to feel bad about making fun of others, I should I know, but I don't. If I see a chick at a bar that looks like Kate Gosling from Jon & Kate Plus 8......I have this internal mechanism that locks on and forces me to make fun. Or if I see a child on a leash (yes at the Walmart again) sarcasm and laughter just erupts from within me. I don't do it to be mean, I don't make fun of people to their faces (unless you're my friend, and it comes from a place of love). The snide remarks just happen, don't judge me! If you've looked at the pics on People of Walmart and laughed, then you're right there with me.....welcome to the dark side.

Ok, just a random short blog for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Stay safe, eat lots of yummy food, and enjoy your family time!! Oh and presents!!! Don't forget the presents!!!!

And I can't figure out how to post a video from my iPhone so I'll end it on a PEACE OUT!!


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I'm Nichole, your average 30-something trying to make my way through this world and create a life for myself. I blog for fun and for stress relief, so you'll see everything from rants to reviews.
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