Tuesday, October 19, 2010

it's a double blog kind of week

There is a church on FM 2094 in Kemah that has a pumpkin patch if anyone is interested.  They have all types, colors, and sizes of pumpkins and are decently priced.  I enjoyed picking out my pumpkin and carving it up!  Halloween is my favorite holiday, it's one of the reasons in my pro list for potentially having children.  Costumes, trick-o-treating, candy, parties, oh my!  Definitely a perk to having offspring.

For the other curvy ladies out there that enjoy halloween, check out Loop 18 for plus size costumes!  They have a pretty decent selection of costumes and most of them are actually cool.

I think I would like to create my own tradition of having a pumpkin carving party.  Megan and I carved pumpkins this passed weekend and I really enjoyed it.  I think it'd be fun to get together with a few friends and their kids and carve up some pumpkins.  So next year it's on my friends, be prepared. 

Although halloween is my favorite holiday, I'm not decorating this year.  Which in a way makes me sad, because I do enjoy it, but my apartment complex sucks!  And I refuse to share my joy and awesome decorating skills with them.  Maybe next year, since I should be in a new complex by then.

Another great thing about halloween is all the scary movies on tv!  I'm such a wuss with scary movies!!  But it's fun to hang out with friends, eat popcorn, and scream like a little girl when Michael Myers or Freddy Krueger pop on to screen out of no where!  Speaking of scary movies, I have a long history of terror with Freddy Krueger and zombies, it's ridiculous.  I used to think Freddy lived under my mom's bed.  She had a water bed and I just knew he was going to come get me like he did to Johnny Depp (see here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QmgrX7ZVJw)  It gives me the shivers to even think about it.  Zombies also freak me out, even more so than Freddy.  I literally have zombie dreams at least once a month that leave me out of breath and sweaty.  My last zombie dream went a little something like this:  Zombies had taken over my town and there was a massive mob of them coming down the street after me.  I was in a car trying to get away, but no matter where I went there were more zombies!!  Then I saw my friend Alex walking down the street, and as I drove passed him I thought to myself (in the dream), "I hope Alex knows there are zombies behind him, he better run!"  However, I was not about to stop to assist him.  The end.  Which reminds me of this.....

and it is soo true!


Unknown said...

I better be invited to your pumpkin carving next time!
love- your stalker

darrona said...

Salvador and I were just thinking about how we really let time get away and now Halloween is right on top of us! We wanted to do the pumpkin patch thing and everything, but allowed ourselves to get too busy. tsk! tsk! Anyway, we are totally down for a pumpkin carving, halloween craft party of sorts souiree rendevous!

By the way, your dream about Alex is too funny! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that feels that way if a zombie situation were afoot. =]

lunarious said...

woohoo! so i think it's a plan then. pumpkin carving party at my casa next year y'all, hheeeeyyy!

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I'm Nichole, your average 30-something trying to make my way through this world and create a life for myself. I blog for fun and for stress relief, so you'll see everything from rants to reviews.
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